Members featured in the album
ROGELIO CORTE - Flute and exclamations
NICOLÁS DIAB - Bass, double bass, mandolin, vocals, tapes, drum machine, piano and guitar
DIEGO KAZMIERSKI - Piano, synth, sampler and sequence
GATO LEIRAS - Electric guitar, bandurria, mandolin, tapes, vocals, vocal arragement and drums
Members featured in the album
DIEGO SUÁREZ - Flute and piccolo
DIEGO KAZMIERSKI - Synth, piano, Rodees piano, Hammond and samplings
FERNANDO DE LA VEGA - Drums, grifería and xylophon
NICOLÁS DIAB - Electric bass, electric guitar, mandolin,, bandurria, double bass and Rodees piano
Members featured in the album
GASTÓN LEIRAS - Electric guitar
Guest musicians:
The history of Las orejas y la lengua begins in 1992 when Gastón Leiras (guitar) and Federico Marquestó (guitar) summon Fernando De la Vega (drummer) and thebassist Nicolás Diab to join a composition-oriented Pop-Rock songs project.
After a decade of life, it is impossible to draw a continuous line representing the history of LOyLL from those early days to the present. Several personnel changes and musical orientations LOyLL made a group with a wide stylistic richness, though undermined by long silences and hesitations.
Between 1993 & 1994 LOyLL joins Diego Kazmierski (keyboards) and a little later, Rogelio Corte (flute) becomes the sixth member of the band. Gradually, the group neglects to compose songs totally instrumental pieces.
A year later, the group decides to experiment new sounds for long jam sessions, during which process take shape some passages of “La eminencia inobjetable” and the collaboration of Marcelo Aguirre and Moxi Beidenegl was important.
Back in '96, the band recorded a cassette with some songs that would become part “La eminencia ...”. The first casualty arrives during the recording of this demo: arguing aesthetic reasons, Federico Marquestó step aside. Fernando, Gastón, Rogelio, Diego and Nicolás decided to rehearse intensively with the firm intention of capturing the music on a disc. Between march and april of that year, records and mixes with Ernesto Snajer their first album called “La eminencia inobjetable”.
Finished the album recorded of, LOyLL begins to tread a bumpy road. Rogelio Corte moved away from the group for extra musical interests and Gastón Leiras decides to continue his life outside Argentina. Before the departure of Gastón, ears gives an emotional concert in the theater “La Carbonera”, Buenos Aires with Marcelo Aguirre as a guest singer.
Things get tough, now LOyLL is a trio of bass, drums and keyboards and its members agreed devoting himself to improvisation hoping to compose new material. Gastón Leiras visit to Buenos Aires allows the group to record “Ayer o peor”, theme that appears as a bonus track of the album, and give a series of memorable concerts, one featuring “La eminencia inobjetable” for a cycle of Esculpiendo Milagros magazine.
But it is a time of chaos, Gastón soon returned to Berlin and enthusiasm that he had “La eminencia…” in the Cuneiform label it fades before the apparent instability of the group.
Gradually, the trio of Fernando De la Vega, Nicolás Diab and Diego Kasmierski begins to discover the path that must move LOyLL in the immediate future. New compositions take shape and the group performs live several times during 1998. In collaboration with the company E theater and plastic Javier Barilaro, the band gives two concerts of great success in the La Carbonera theater.
In 1999, he entered the training flutist Diego Suárez. Las orejas y la lengua makes some presentations and recorded the CD unfortunate “En el hogar” posing on Buenos Aires Wine Club during a series of concerts organized by Tribulaciones.
During 2000 Gato Leiras makes a short visit to Buenos Aires, meets with LOyLL and improvise live together in a concert at the Teatro la Carbonera the group released on CD-r.
Back in Berlin, Gaston Leiras and Marcelo Aguirre founded with the independent label Buchstabieren Sie bitte! and published “La eminencia inobjetable” on CD-r.
Later that year, LOyLL has enough material for a new album and thanks to Marcelo Depetro auspices records “Error”, a record that still remains unpublished and that the group has in the Wine Club and La Carbonera during the first half of 2001 with Gustavo Mazzoletti as a guest.
A long journey of Nicolas Diab, LOyLL join again in silence during the remainder of 2001 and part of 2002. In June last year, “La eminencia inobjetable” sees the light officially through Viajero Inmóvil Records label.
In 2003, the group completes the final details of their second album “Error·, which was released in july of that year and then continue rehearsing old songs for the official presentation of “La eminencia...”.
Their third album was recorded during 2004 & 2007, but to date not yet been published, because its members gradually left the band.
In the year 2024, at the insistence of the Viajero Inmóvil Records label for years, their third album is finally released in physical format, closing an initial cycle for the band.
* Las orejas y la lengua official Facebook
# Apologies, translated by https://translate.google.com.ar